Bollettino del mare valido per le prossime 36 ore e previsioni meteomarine a breve termine (72 ore) sul mare Mediterraneo predisposte dal servizio meteorologico tedesco Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD) - divisione di meteorologia marina di Amburgo (Marine Weather Service Hamburg).
Il bollettino del mare per il Mediterraneo e le Isole Canarie viene emesso quotidianamente dal DWD alle 12:00 UTC mentre le previsioni meteomarine a 72 ore sono elaborate due volte al giorno di norma alle ore 06:00 e 18:00 UTC tramite modello matematico con modalità simili al bollettino MeteoMare proposto da questo sito addirittura dal 1993. Servirsi dei tre bottoni appositi per selezionare alternativamente la visualizzazione del bollettino del mare o la previsione meteo per il Mediterraneo settore ovest e settore est.
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Weather and sea bulletin for the Mediterranean Sea
issued by Deutscher Wetterdienst, Marine Meteorological Service Hamburg
at 09.01.2025, 13.00 UTC.
General synoptic situation 12 UTC:
There are only weak air pressure contrasts over the
eastern Mediterranean. An extensive depression 1010 over
northern Italy moves slightly southwards while deepening
somewhat. A high 1027 over northern Morocco and southern
Spain will remain. The Bay of Biscay is influenced by
Atlantic lows.
Until friday evening in the following forecast areas gales are
golfe du lion
ligurian sea
tyrrhenian sea up until friday evening in
the following forecast areas strong winds are expected:
balearic islands west of corsica/sardinia
ionian sea
bay of biscay
Canary Islands:
easterly winds about 4.
west about 5, decreasing a little.
Palos (between Southeast Spain and West Algeria):
west about 4.
Balearic Islands:
westerly winds about 4, locally 6, northeastern part at
times northwest 7.
West of Corsica/Sardinia:
westerly winds about 4, locally 6, northern part for a
time northwest 7.
Gulf of Lion:
northwest about 7, shifting west, decreasing about 4.
Ligurian Sea:
variable directions 6 to 8, decreasing a little, locally
shower squalls.
Tyrrhenian Sea:
west about 5, east of bonifacio increasing west 7 to 8,
locally shower squalls.
Adriatic Sea:
southerly winds about 5, later variable directions 3 to
5, locally shower squalls.
Ionian Sea:
southwest to west about 4, western part later locally
about 6, locally shower squalls.
Aegean Sea:
southwesterly winds about 3, southern part increasing 4
to 5, locally shower squalls.
northeasterly winds about 3, eastern part locally 5,
western part later shifting northwest to west, locally
shower squalls.
Bay of Biscay:
south to southwest about 5, for a time increasing 6 to 7,
later shifting west to northwest, at times heavy rain,
locally thunderstorms.
Il bollettino meteomarino del DWD e le previsioni a medio termine per il Mediterraneo Ovest ed Est in collaborazione con gli amici di Termoidraulica Nigrelli, Coico+3 Articoli Termoidraulici, Termoidraulica Coico, aziende di Roma specializzate nelle forniture, installazione e manutenzione di impianti di condizionamento, riscaldamento, climatizzazione, pannelli solari termici e fotovoltaici, caldaie, climatizzatori, termoclima e gas.